Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. - Ansel Adams

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fix it Friday #22



My first edit

My second edit

My third edit {*new*}

Slight adjustments in ACR:
-white balance, exposure, clarity, fill light

Photoshop CS3:
*1st edit
-Cropped to 8x10
-B/W layer
*2nd edit
-First edit with a b/w layer added
*Third edit
-First edit with more texture and an antique action

Photo credit to Vika Jones.


Some fellow 07.31.09 Friday-Fixer-Upper's:

Head on over to:

AJ's blog Endless Light Creations to see a *truly* beautiful edit on this image!! I just love it so much that I have to link there so others can see how great of a job she did!

I also really like Tiffany's edit here on her June Makes Six blog. She did a wonderful job and it really does look like an old time photo and something you'd see in a 'history of our town' book or something from like the 1800's.
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